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No. 418 Re: Re: Programmming Javelin Stamp IDE using EZL 200F 2007-08-17

my application is exactly like you desribe, though the serial device is the javelin stamp chip and the pc application is the IDE (Intgrated Development Environment) for the stamp chip.
Kind Regards
> Sollae Systems wrote:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please let me know your application precisely.
> For example:
> (serial device) -- (rs232) -- (EZL-200F) -- (LAN) -- (PC application)
> If you email us (, response would be quicker.
> > Magnus Elfving wrote:
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Hi,
> > I have EZL 200F that I want use to remotly program the Parallax Javelin Stamp. However the communication with Javelin Stamp IDE and stamp chip uses RS232 with the DSR/RTS for loopback and the DTR or some type of flow control. I cant get these signal to work and consequently not beeing able to remotly programming my Javelin Stamp chip. Should that be possible to to or am I doing somthing wrong?
> > Kind Regards
> > Magnus

Writer Sollae Systems Company