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No. 1290 CSW-H85K – Ver 2.2B 2014-11-04

CSW-H85K – Ver 2.2B

Dear Sirs,

We have just bought your converter Ethernet-Serial model CSW-H85K but we have Communications problems so that we appreciate you can give us some clue to solve it.

We have installed the CSW according to the user manual with its address and for the PC, in Ad-hoc mode. These combination works fine.

When we change the addresses to for the CSW and for the PC the data communication is impossible. We have tested several IPs/Mask/ without success.

We need to know whether is the only address for your CSW unit can handle or it can be changed according the customer necessities.

Attached files you can find both status the one with IP and the another one with IP

During the test, the firewall and antivirus applications where disable.

In case the IP address will not be possible to be changed according the our system necessities we will ask your local dealer to get the money back as IP 10.xx.xx.xx is not allowed in our system.

We will appreciate your prompt answer.

Kind regards.


Attachment 20141104_StatusIP_192168114.jpg
Writer Roberto Boucht Company Electrargen SRL