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No. 1491 Change without Reset -EMC -864Mhz pollution 2017-05-12

I have tested your firmware 2.1A (sent to Mr BACHELET item 1481) and it looks fine for Host configuration. What is the meanning of interval 0 exactly ?

Due to you efficiency I do have 3 other questions !
- In version M53 any change on IP address was immediate( when configured in Static IP) , with M53N a power reset need to be made, do you have a trick (or an other version) to avoid power reset ?
- We are using M53N with Radio 864 MHz and there is a frequency pollution , this pollution wasn’t present with M53.We have done extensive research to find this issue. Any data on this difference ? How to avoid pollution at 864 MHz ?
- We do encounter some defective component following a power reset, eather when connecting or when disconnecting our POE. It loks like a EMC issue, please recommend a schematic to avoid this ?
Best regards

Writer BOGLYAS Christophe Company EDITAG