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No. 169 [Notice] Security Issue Related to Wireless LAN Products 01-February-2018
As KRACKs (Key reinstallation attacks) for WPA2 security protocol are discovered recently, Sollae Systems decided to release a new firmware for Wireless LAN products to prevent the issue.

KRACKs WPA2 Vulnerability
KRACKs is a severe replay attack on the Wi-Fi protected access protocol that secures wireless LAN connections. It can reinstall PTK-TK security key, GTK group key, IGTK group key and can change WPA2 secured data.
Find more information about KRACK at

Related Products
KRACKs related security patch has been applied in the following products’ firmware version of v2.4B or above.
- CSW-M85
- CSW-M83
- CSW-B85
- CSW-B85K
- CSW-H85K
- CSW-H85K2
- CSW-H85F
Download the latest firmware at