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No.195 Can I use a domain name(URL)? 16-09-2013
Category : basic

To use domain name, you should have one of the below products which equipt the DNS function.

CIE-H10, CIE-M10, CSE-H20, CSE-H21, CSE-H25, CSE-H53, CSE-H55,
CSE-M32, CSE-M53, CSE-M73, CSW-H80

Some old products don't support this option.

What is DNS(Domain Name Service)?

DNS let users access to remote host with a domain name instead of IP address.
Remembering host name is easier than IP address.
That is why this option is required.
See the below diagram.

See also

Related Products

[ Ethernet-Module ] CSE-M53, CSE-M32
[ Ethernet-Module with RJ45 ] CSE-M73
[ Ethernet-Board ] CSE-B63
[ Ethernet-External ] CSE-H55, CSE-H53, CSE-H25, CSE-H20, CSE-H21
[ Wireless-External ] CSW-H80
[ Wireless-Module ] CSW-M83
[ I/O ] CIE-H10, CIE-M10