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No. 1628 CSE-H55 with wrong marking or CSE-H55N2 with wrong firmware 2019-01-28

Dear all
I just received a CSE-H55N2, see attached image. When connecting with ezTCP v3.3D, the status screen shows that this is a CSE-H55N with firmware 1.0F-b. See attached image. Looking i your firmware history, CSE-H55N2 has never had 1.0F. Trying to upgrade to the latest firmware fails, since there is a need for some ISP-mode, which I can't find the setting for in Manager v3.3D.

What version do I have really, and how do I install the latest firmware?

Attachment 20190128_CSE-H55x.jpg
Writer Dag Svedros Company Ensta Gruppen AB