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No. 417 Re: Programmming Javelin Stamp IDE using EZL 200F 2007-08-17

Please let me know your application precisely.

For example:
(serial device) -- (rs232) -- (EZL-200F) -- (LAN) -- (PC application)

If you email us (, response would be quicker.

> Magnus Elfving wrote:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Hi,
> I have EZL 200F that I want use to remotly program the Parallax Javelin Stamp. However the communication with Javelin Stamp IDE and stamp chip uses RS232 with the DSR/RTS for loopback and the DTR or some type of flow control. I cant get these signal to work and consequently not beeing able to remotly programming my Javelin Stamp chip. Should that be possible to to or am I doing somthing wrong?
> Kind Regards
> Magnus

Writer Sollae Systems Company