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No. 1764 Re: Modbus 5420 Gateway Function code not supported by master 2020-08-11

Dear Bart,
Thank you for choosing our product.

Sollae Modbus Gateway (SMG-5420 in particular) just transfers query from Modbus master to Modbus slave, and deliver the response from slave to master.
So, based on the error message, it may be possible that you tried to use a Modbus function code not supported by your Modbus device.
Please check the manual document of your Modbus master and slave device about supported function codes.

Also, please check if there are any mismatches between network configuration of your Modbus master, Modbus slave, and SMG-5420.
For further analysis, it would be great if you can capture the Modbus data frame (using WireShark, etc.), Modbus setting parameters on your master, slave, SMG-5420, and send us here, or via our support email (

Thank you for your understanding.
Best Regards,

> Bart wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Hello,
> I'sve bought a Sollae Modbus Gateway 5420 I can read some values from my slave.
> I'sm not able to write to a register 40006. In need to send value 7 for reseting the
> tara of a weighter.
> The error message I get is:
> 'sFunction code not supported by master's
> What could be the problem?
> kind regards
> Bart

Writer Sollae Systems Company