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No. 488 Re: BREAK with EZL 200-F 2009-03-23


I’m afraid that the EZL-200F and ezVSP, which program allows PC makes virtual serial ports, do not support sending or receiving the break signal.
By the way, baud rates of EZL-200F could be changed lower than 1200bps by entering consol mode. You can connect to EZL-200F through the telnet with “telnet []” command, and then, check the message which is started with “msh>”. Please refer to the below sequences.

1. Connect to the EZL-200F with telnet command

2. Input “env ezl” command on the window

3. Input Enter key on your keyboard until you can show the [BAUD RATE] option and enter the rate what you want to.

4. Input Enter key again and again until “update eeprom…done” message shows up on your screen.
5. EZL-200F may reboot automatically when you done this.

6. If you change any options or parameters of EZL-200F and save the values by ezConfig, which is a configuration tool, the baud rate you configured through telnet in console mode will be changed again.

Have a nice day.
Best Regards,

> meunier wrote:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Hello,
> I have a EZL 200F FW 1.3i + EZTCP 2.3B.
> I can't have any break on output (break character or break level).
> I use 200F in T2S mode and RS232 serial type. I have also activate TELCOM mode.
> In I have also activated Telnet mode (RFC2217) on EZTCP.
> I have analyse TCP traffic between my computer and 200F and I don't see any packet for BREAK action.
> I have try using telnet terminal BREAK or IP command without result.
> I have try RFC2217 TELCOM BREAKON/BREAKOFF command using custom telnet without success.
> Is there any way to send BREAK level or as fallback BREAK character with 200F ?
> Also is there way to get lower speed than 1200bps ?
> Regards
> Sylvain

Writer Sollae Systems Company