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No. 521 cannot write settings into CIE-H10 2009-09-09

dear, i recently buy my 2 first CIE-H10.
i tested, it work, i can acces to web inteface, i installed ezmanager 3.0c, it can cannnetct, can read data AND CHANGE OUTPUT. (then it can write to CIE-H10).
my problem is to write "variables" into cie-h10. i change settings (ip, or initial output state), then click "write", and system say that it cannot see interface, check cable, firewall, ...
i disabled firewall. cable is good. i can read/write output, then bidirectionnal access work.
i try also to upgrade to firmware CIE-H10 / 1.3 Rev.E, but nothing work better. can you help me ? thanks

Writer thierry jardon Company