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No. 608 Re: Broadcasting CIE-H10 2011-04-18


This is technical support team of Sollae Systems.

I'm sorry, but I am not sure what you exactly want.

Do you receive the return messege from ezManager or not?

Unless you use ezManager, what do you use for that?

Please, send us screenshots and more information about that.

It can be helpful to support your inquiry.

Have a good day.

Thank you.

> Goos van Beek wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Dear Madam or Sir,
> I'm using the CIE-H10 in a DHCP network. While the unit has no host name I'm detecting it by a broadcast op port 50005.
> This returns the IPAddress, but I can't decipher the response result from the unit. For me it looks like Korean. I use BigEndianUniCode to encode the response.
> Is there another way to encode the response in readable language, or is it really Korean?
> Or is there no useful information in the broadcast response, like the mac address?
> Regards,
> Goos van Beek.

Writer Sollae Systems Company