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No. 1211 Re: Understand http message received trough CSW-M83 2013-07-24


This is your system as I understand.

[Serial Device] --- (Serial) --- [CSW-M83] --- (Wi-Fi) --- [PC (Chrome)]

In this case, the Serial Device gets the HTTP messages from CSW-M83.

CSW-M83 is just a converter so it passes the HTTP data from your PC through the serial line.

If the serial output of CSW-M83 is not correct, checking configuration is required.

Could you let me know the configuration of CSW-M83?

You can export the setting of your module by [Export Variables] button on ezManager.

Just send the file to our support team. (

In addition, parameters of your Serial Device are also required.

For example, 19200 bps / 8-databit / 1-stopbit / No parity

Thanks, in advance.

> nicolas wrote:
> ------------------------------------
> Hello,
> I configured the CSW-M83 as a server with ad-hoc connection. I connect to it by wifi from my PC and I open a web browser. (Chrome)
> I put the address of the module in my browser and I connect. I receive what seems to be a GET message and I return my HTML page that contains a form. I send data from the form and I receive that seems to be the form data in the module.
> My problem is I cannot understand the messages received by the CSW-M83... It's seem to be encode, for example the GET message begins by "G 1H 65......" . I can't read the real GET message... What wrong with the codification?
> Thanks
> Nicolas

Writer Sollae Systems Company Sollae Systems